279 research outputs found

    Multimedia und Motivation - Modelle der Motivationspsychologie als Grundlage fĂŒr die didaktische Mediengestaltung

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    Aus der bisherigen Forschung zum Lernen mit Multimedia gibt es hĂ€ufig widersprĂŒchliche Ergebnisse, da zum Teil unerwartete Effekte aufgetreten sind oder wichtige lernrelevante Parameter ausser Acht gelassen wurden. MĂ€ngel lassen sich vor allem im Bereich der Motivation feststellen. Traditionelle Theorien zum Lernen mit Multimedia sind meist auf kognitive Faktoren aufgebaut und ignorieren, dass die Motivation eines Lernenden Lernressourcen signifikant beeinflussen kann. In dieser Arbeit werden theoretische Modelle kritisch besprochen. Die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse mĂŒnden in ein integratives theoretisches Modell, das motivationale Faktoren beim Lernen mit Multimedia extrahiert. Dieses Modell sollte zukĂŒnftige Forschung anregen, da es eine Erweiterung der populĂ€ren kognitiven Theorie des Lernens mit Multimedia von Mayer (2001) darstellt. Das geschaffene Modell integriert zwei Typen von Variablen, die mentales Ressourcenmanagement (Aufmerksamkeit, Engagement, Monitoring) und motivationale Prozesse (Zielsetzung und Handlungskontrolle) betreffen. Es kann Forschern, MedienpĂ€dagogen, Unterrichts- und/oder Mediengestaltern einen Überblick ĂŒber die Hauptfaktoren geben, die berĂŒcksichtigt werden mĂŒssen, wenn man multimediale Lernumgebungen motivational wirksam entwickeln will

    MÀnner und das mÀnnliche Rollenbild

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    Der Beitrag von Christian Wiesner diskutiert angesichts der Geschlechterfrage die Spezifika in der schulischen Bubensozialisation. Er fasst damit mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der MĂ€nner-, Familien- und Jugendberatung zusammen

    Detours increase local knowledge-Exploring the hidden benefits of self-control failure

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    Self-control enables people to override momentary thoughts, emotions, or impulses in order to pursue long-term goals. Good self-control is a predictor for health, success, and subjective well-being, as bad self-control is for the opposite. Therefore, the question arises why evolution has not endowed us with perfect self-control. In this article, we draw some attention to the hidden benefits of self-control failure and present a new experimental paradigm that captures both costs and benefits of self-control failure. In an experiment, participants worked on three consecutive tasks: 1) In a transcription task, we manipulated how much effortful self-control two groups of participants had to exert. 2) In a number-comparison task, participants of both groups were asked to compare numbers and ignore distracting neutral versus reward-related pictures. 3) After a pause for recreation, participants were confronted with an unannounced recognition task measuring whether they had incidentally encoded the distracting pictures during the previous number-comparison task. The results showed that participants who exerted a high amount of effortful self-control during the first task shifted their priorities and attention toward the distractors during the second self-control demanding task: The cost of self-control failure was reflected in worse performance in the number-comparison task. Moreover, the group which had exerted a high amount of self-control during the first task and showed self-control failure during the second task was better in the unannounced third task. The benefit of self-control failure during number comparison was reflected in better performance during the recognition task. However, costs and benefits were not specific for reward-related distractors but also occurred with neutral pictures. We propose that the hidden benefit of self-control failure lies in the exploration of distractors present during goal pursuit [...

    Harmonine, a defence compound from the harlequin ladybird, inhibits mycobacterial growth and demonstrates multi-stage antimalarial activity

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    The harlequin ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis has been introduced in many countries as a biological control agent, but has become an invasive species threatening the biodiversity of native ladybirds. Its invasive success has been attributed to its vigorous resistance against diverse pathogens. This study demonstrates that harmonine ((17R,9Z)-1,17-diaminooctadec-9-ene), which is present in H. axyridis haemolymph, displays broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity that includes human pathogens. Antibacterial activity is most pronounced against fast-growing mycobacteria and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and the growth of both chloroquine-sensitive and -resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains is inhibited. Harmonine displays gametocytocidal activity, and inhibits the exflagellation of microgametocytes and zygote formation. In an Anopheles stephensi mosquito feeding model, harmonine displays transmission-blocking activity

    [P4H]+[Al(OTeF5)4]−: protonation of white phosphorus with the Brþnsted superacid H[Al(OTeF5)4](solv)

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    A sustainable transformation of white phosphorus (P4) into chemicals of higher value is one of the key aspects in modern phosphorus research. Even though the chemistry of P4 has been investigated for many decades, its chemical reactivity towards the simplest electrophile, the proton, is still virtually unknown. Based on quantum-chemical predictions, we report for the first time the successful protonation of P4 by the Brþnsted acid H[Al(OTeF5)4](solv). Our spectroscopic results are in agreement with acid-mediated activation of P4 under protonation of an edge of the P4-tetrahedron and formation of a three-center two-electron P–H–P bond. These investigations are of fundamental interest as they permit the activation of P4 with the simplest electrophile as a new prototype reaction for this molecule

    Principalship in Austria: balancing accountability and improvement

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    The Austrian school system has historically been characterized as highly bureaucratic and strongly regulated. Several policy approaches have been made to counteract the numerous parallel structures and too little congruence in task-orientation and responsibility. A shift towards more school-based innovation has initiated a slow movement towards more decentralization and deregulation, but principals are still confronted with restricted autonomy, which makes it difficult for them to empower their faculty for collective action. The introduction of national testing has led to some incremental changes. However, deep-rooted cultural mechanisms continue to successfully promote decentralization and stability as the most highly valued sources of educational quality. Austria’s participation in international projects has given a lift to mobilizing research potential on school leadership. Recently, the transformation of school governance has become a major focus of educational reform, which has stimulated various investigations to explore and evaluate various national strategies of school governance with respect to their contribution to quality development of the school system. Research focuses on the role of principals as change agents, for example in evidence-based measures such as standardized testing or school inspection as an external evaluation.Collection name: “PEDAGOGICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE” 4

    PĂ€dagogisches Ethos als Holon

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    Die Autor*innen beschreiben pĂ€dagogisches Ethos als Holon. Sie erlĂ€utern dazu eine Theorie der Holone, die eine verĂ€nderte Sichtweise auf Theorien und PhĂ€nomene insofern eröffnen soll, indem sie eine Mehr- und VielperspektivitĂ€t ermöglichen, die eine PluralitĂ€t von Paradigmen und EntwĂŒrfen erlauben, wodurch sichtbar wird, wie Ideen und Theorien zueinander anschlussfĂ€hig bzw. abgrenzbar werden oder miteinander verbunden werden können. Mithilfe der Theorie der Holone erklĂ€ren sie die Verbindungslinien der Begriffe Ethos, Ethik und Moral und fassen schließlich pĂ€dagogisches Ethos als Holon. (DIPF/Orig.

    Induction of Specific Immunotherapy with Hymenoptera Venoms Using Ultrarush Regimen in Children: Safety and Tolerance

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    Background & Objective. Ultrarush induction for specific venom immunotherapy has been shown to be reliable and efficacious in adults. In this study its safety and tolerance in children was evaluated. Methods. Retrospective analysis of 102 ultrarush desensitizations carried out between 1997 and 2005 in 94 children, aged 4 to 15 years. Diagnosis and selection for immunotherapy were according to recommendations of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Systemic adverse reactions (SARs) were described using the classification of H. L. Mueller. Results. All patients reached the cumulative dose of 111.1 Όg hymenoptera venom within 210 minutes. Six patients (6%) had allergic reactions grade I; 2 patients (2%) grade II and 5 patients (5%) grade III. Three patients (3%) showed unclassified reactions. SARs did not occur in the 15 patients aged 4 to 8 years and they were significantly more frequent in girls (29%) compared with boys (12%) (P = 0.034, multivariant analysis) and in bee venom extract treated patients (20%) compared to those treated with wasp venom extract (8%) (OR 0.33, 95% Cl 0.07–1.25). Conclusion. Initiation of specific immunotherapy by ultrarush regimen is safe and well tolerated in children and should be considered for treating children with allergy to hymenoptera venom

    Does Sleep Help Prevent Forgetting Rewarded Memory Representations in Children and Adults?

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    Sleep fosters the consolidation of rewarded memory representations in adults. However, sleep and its memory-supporting functions change through healthy development, and it is unclear whether sleep benefits the consolidation of rewarded memory representations in children as it does in adults. Based on previous findings, we expected sleep to benefit the consolidation of rewarded memory representations in children more than it does in adults. For that reason, 16 children (7–11 years) and 20 adults (21–29 years) participated in this experiment. During the encoding session, participants were asked to learn the location of 18 object pairs. Thereafter, one-half of the object locations were allocated to a high-rewarded condition and the other half to a low-rewarded condition. In the sleep condition, the encoding session took place in the evening (for children 7–8 pm, for adults 8–9 pm). After a fixed retention interval of 12 h the retrieval session was conducted the next morning (for children 7–8 am, for adults 8–9 am). In the wake condition, the time schedule was the same but reversed: the encoding session started in the morning (for children 7–8 am, for adults 8–9 am), and retrieval took place in the evening (for children 7–8 pm, for adults 8–9 pm). Sleep/wake had no impact on the memory performance regarding the low-rewarded memory items. In contrast, wakefulness in comparison to sleep reduced the memory performance on high-rewarded memory items. The interaction between sleep/wake and the degree of reward on memory performance was only significant in children. These results show that 12 h of wakefulness can deteriorate the memory performance for high-rewarded representations, whereas sleep can prevent the forgetting of these rewarded representations. It is discussed whether ontogenetic changes in sleep may play a role in conserving relevant but fragile memory representation
